Meet three-year-old Leo, a Cocker Spaniel that is probably one of the cleverest dogs of our time. He has impressively learned how to play hopscotch without cue. And not only that but he actually has also mastered other tasks just like painting, playing tennis, and even CPR. His owner, 31-year-old Emily Anderson from Aberdeen who is also a dog trainer, claims that hopscotch is the hardest trick he has learned so far.
But interestingly, Emily didn’t really plan for Leo to learn hopscotch. She was at the discount store at the time looking for paint materials when she saw the hopscotch mat. She bought it though she never really thought she would actually lay it out and even more so that Leo would learn the complete sequence.
The mat was in a sequence of 10 numbers and when Emily and Leo first started training with it, she started with a couple of numbers first then gradually added them as they went along. Then once Leo got the hang of the sequence of when to land his two front paws and when to hop a limp, the rest was a breeze. And in one video that Emily managed to capture, she was so surprised to see that Leo learned the whole sequence.
Emily didn’t think it was possible but then Leo was a dog who kept on amazing her. And it was, even more, special because most dogs can’t really master the trick and the closest was an Australian Shepherd who could do four. That was only half of what Leo could do and it was even cued while Leo didn’t need any. He was just telling Emily to shut up and let him amaze her with his hopscotch skills.
Emily is definitely always looking for ideas for Leo to learn because that is when he is at his happiest.
Source: Daily Mail